carseat installed
prize organic mattress in crib
doula in new england
nursery finished
birth books read(Birth Partner, Sear's Birth Book, The Thinking Woman's Guide...anything I'm missing?)
"house" to do list complete(still a few outside/garden things...)
co-sleeper set up
cloth diapers washed and ready (and a pack of 7th generations to start)
going home outfit bought (so cute - I love babies in white)
bag packed - tonight! tonight!
evening primrose oil bought (not using just yet - the 80 year old man in me is dying to hear Prairie Home Companion on Saturday night at Tanglewood)
birth plan written
vinyl shower curtain on bed (just in case)
JOB KEPT! So, my district is in terrible financial trouble and anyone under 3 years in the district got pink slipped last week. Mind you, I have taught for 10 years. Just not here. Everyone kept saying it was a formality - but as the council meeting dragged out over the last few days, it really looked dismal. Tonight, with a $200,000 cut and not a $400,000 cut the superintendent says we will be called back. Thank goodness. Besides, you know, the money, I really love my job and my school in particular. It's a big relief. I know most people recognize this, but public school teachers are shat-upon. It's sick that in the two years I've worked here, my job has been threatened twice and probably will be again next year. All for a measly salary.
But we do it for the children. :) gag.