Friday, April 16, 2010

Am I just paranoid...??


Just wanted to get that out of the way.

I continue to have weird symptoms - simultaneous nausea and hunger - so it's not that I'm worried that anything bad happened, but two nights ago I happened to have a very diluted cup of sassafras tea. What is this, you may ask? Only the most delicious natural-root beer flavored stuff ever. Only, after I drank it, it dawned on me that maybe I should check whether it's contraindicated in pregnancy....oh boy. If you're curious, just go and Google "sassafras in pregnancy" and see what horrifyingly scary things come up, including uterine stimulation and birth defects. Uh-huh. No joke.

So then I see, on these other herbal websites, all the OTHER herbs I should avoid in pregnancy. Jeesh. No camomile? Lavender? Seriously? WTF am I supposed to drink? I gave up coffee and now even decaf is kind of not that good anymore, and tea's all I've got left. I like me a hot beverage, and love iced tea in the summer. What, tell me, what can I drink? Any past/present preggos care to chime in? Or, am I just being overly paranoid?


Whozat said...

You are being normal-for-first-trimester paranoid :-)

(Btw, congratulations!!!)

Also, how about hot chocolate?

Jude said...

Gosh, I have never thought about looking up herbs for tea. I'm not much of a tea drinker but I have considered some. But really, according to Google, pregnant people shouldn't really eat or drink anything.

xo and I'm on vacation too!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't give up caffeine but I keep in within the recommended limits (up to 250mg/day). But even still early on beverage choices are limited (and I was so sick I could not drink coffee even if I wanted to).

I found I was so sick of water that I started drinking cranberry juice -and my midwife told me I was drinking too much juice:-( so I started adding fruit to my water (lemon, lime, oranges).

Once I hit the 20 week mark I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea daily. I drank it hot and have just switched to drinking it as iced tea- and it's so yummy and is working to tone my uterus!

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

lemon and ginger ? i love that hot drink all the time (especially when im sick)

ginger helps for the nausea ath the same time also (as for what ive read, i mean, ive never been pregnant. Not yet!)
lucky to be on vacation.

Sarah said...

I was just thinking yesterday of how strict I was on myself ttc and early pregnancy and by this point, I am a lot more relaxed. I was thinking that while having a cup of real coffee.

I have tried to keep things in balance and moderation. I switched to teeccino or decaf for most of my coffee. I make my own loose leaf tea blend (highly recommend bulkherbstore dot com) of red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, plantain, and nettle leaf. Wasn't my favorite, but like E. now I make it cold as an ice tea and down a quart each day. At least.

I think there is a point in the pregnancy when you're feeling better, the weird becomes more normal, and baby has done most of her developing, that you let up some. (I can hear my therapist telling me to replace all those "you's" with "I" statements.) So after about half way, I started drinking a cup (sometimes 2) of real coffee now and then. I also will have a half glass of wine if I want. My non-pregnant self would have judged the pregnant me to hell and back. But it's about what you feel comfortable with.

And don't google too much!

Rebecca said...

I second the idea that teecino is a great idea- I just got a bag at whole foods last week and I love it. Rich and creamy like coffee- but no caffeine. It does not taste like Sanka.

CD and SP said...

I have no idea what this mysterious teecino is but i'll have to try it out!!

thanks for all the words. i know how this goes; having watched my wife grow our first child i don't feel completely inexperienced here, but still, ya know.

shea said...

gosh i remember how paranoid i was when dp was in 1st trimester. happy first trimester! so excited for you ladies!