Monday, April 05, 2010

Muddling Through--What's Next?

Well, so--still pregnant as far as I know. My appetite is all out of whack-I get hungry, then as soon as I start eating I'm not hungry. No nausea, but just weird food things--like not craving sweets. That is a big giveaway for me--I hardly ate any dessert at Easter yesterday!! I just feel really, really bloated-too bloated to eat a lot. So I guess now we just...wait? Until, what, 10 weeks or so? I don't even know when to go back to the midwife!! AHHHH!!!

Thank you for all your kind comments--they mean a lot to us, as all good bloggy women know. And...holy cow, there will be A LOT of snowbabies (depending on which part of country you live in, that is) popping out this winter!!! YAY!

Pics from Easter soon. Let's just say that when the day started, Theo looked like he came out of a J Crew catalogue. By the end of the day, he looked like we dragged him out of the dumpster.


Laurie said...

Theo's Easter attire sounds just like Ryan's! He was all decked out in the morning and by the time evening rolled around his clothes didn't even match! lol

giggleblue said...

i'm still very excited for you!

and GP looks like that everyday. i don't even know what to clean her clothes with. she's on like a wash and trash schedule. the stains don't come out!!!!

dyanna said...

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.

nutella said...

Miles' outfits often go that way.

I guess you call the midwives now and see waht they say? Keep on keeping on for now, I suppose!