Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just Take It...

It doesn't seem like we're getting a reprieve from being NOT pregnant anytime soon, so I'm telling myself to just take it and deal with it and look ahead to next month.

But when I look ahead to next month, I get nervous. Next month is the last month using Clomid only. And if this doesn't work, then what, you may be wondering. On to injectibles. Swell. How much does this cost, you might ask. Great question--and I do NOT have an answer to it. How much does insurance cover? No clue. Will S. undergo any testing to see if there's anything "wrong"? Umm, not sure.

So you see my nervousness. I am just not sure of anything past next month, and S. has said that she refuses to ttc in March because she doesn't want a December baby. I guess that's considerate of her--it does suck having a birthday close to Christmas, as many of our close friends will contest, and this year her cousin screwed up the holidays when her baby wasn't born until the 23rd. I guess one positive is that we can control (sorta) these things when we're planning like this.


K J and the kids said...

I hope you have a good and aggressive doctor. One who can steer you in the right direction so that you don't have to stress about what to do next.
If suggestion is to find one.

That doesn't take the stress off of the money. It does cost a lot and most insurances don't cover any of it.
Keep it up. It all pays off in the end.

Eryn said...

If you have not already, I sugest finding out what your ins requires in order to have the next stage of intervention covered. I only say this because mine (which is Tufts) will cover IUIs, Clomid, U/S with an IF diagnosis, but if I need further assistance, my case needs to be rviewed by Tufts and approved by them each step of the way...

I hope the next one works and you don't have to worry about all this!

Merr said...

I don't want a December baby either, but I am at the point of taking whatever I can get.

LD said...

December babies suck!

CD and SP said...

but you don't suck, laura d! i know it's selfish, but since we're planning, we may as well, you know, use that to our advantage.