Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back in the saddle...

I am ready to get going again. Fertility issues were by no means on our minds during our Alaska trip--at least not on mine. For a while, we got to forget about going to the doctor every other day, sticking needles into our stomachs, waiting for periods..all that really fun stuff. S.'s period came yesterday, which means we're back on track for insem. this month. This month is significant to us, because it represents the 12th time we will have done an insemination. Number 12 is like this magical, mystical number, because after try #12, insurance is supposed to cover everything. Everything. Sperm. IVF. Whatever. Everything.

Great! Is there a problem here then, you may be asking? Well, our doctor is saying we've only tried 9 times--she does not count the 3 at-home insems we did. I decided to call our insurance company on the down-low last month in anticipation of this moment and ask what they counted as "exposure to sperm," as the insurance company insists we must have for 12 months, and they said whatever the doctor says, counts. So now the task seems to be, if this cycle does not work, convincing our doctor that our at-homes counted and insurance said it counted so why not make everyone happy and count it??!! Why in the world would we spend $1500 on sperm for 3 months, only to waste it? I'm pretty sure I "exposed" S. to it. Not that the exposure amounted to anything, but still.

I know I've ranted about this before, but it's just so annoying to have to prove that S. has been trying to conceive outside a doctor's office. Why the hell else would lesbians buy sperm?!?! Some crazy science experiment??

Oh well. Hopefully none of this will matter and this month will be it. Knowing our dumb luck, it will. The one cycle before everything is to be covered, and our full coverage kicks in, we get pregnant. I can only keep hoping!!

Speaking of saddles...S. looks good on a horse, don't you think? This was the one Alaska outing I was not sure of, bu
t we had a great time!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys had such a great time away!

Good luck convincing your dr. otherwise....it would seriously suck if you couldn't move forward after this cycle.

Dr. Grumbles said...

That really makes no sense about not counting home insems. Do they think you two were selling sperm on the black market?

Good luck with this cycle!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we're cycling with you this month (as are E and S at It's Taking a Village). All of us on CD1 yesterday - this has to be an omen. Let's hope we're the lucky threes.

None said...

Would your doctor not count it if a het couple had been trying "the natural way" for a year? I bet he would count that. Frankly, I don't see why the doctor won't just say you've been trying for a year if it's that simple (it doesn't sound like he has to lie or do anything unethical at all) and it'll help you guys pay for everything.

I hope this next insem works and it's a non-issue though. Good luck.

Lo said...

"Exposure to sperm." That makes me giggle.

Your dr. sure had better believe you, in my opinion!!

tbean said...

Welcome back and good luck with lucky cycle number 12!!!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck!! Hope you don't even need to move on to try #13.

LD said...

a) That's awesome that the insurance company will count whatever the doctor says will count.

b) That's not awesome that the doctor will not count it. Need me to write a nasty lawyer letter to the doc? Hahaha.

In all seriousness, maybe you should threaten to find another doctor if this one is going to not count those three insems. I am positive she would count them if you were a straight couple. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

good luck this time!!!