Sunday, November 04, 2007

Proof positive!

Beta results:
14 days past retrieval - 103
16 days past retrieval - 250

According to betabase we are looking A-OK, not that I'm ready to relax just yet.


tbean said...

Look at those beautiful two pink lines! YAY! And the beta numbers look awesome. Congrats over and over again!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That is very exciting news!!! You're numbers sound like perfect doubling to me.
Happy times!

Unknown said...

Looking good ladies!

Lo said...

sounds GREAT!!!!!!

Melissa said...

It looks so good to see a positive test posted on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck! we just went through the past year of all that..(coincdentally having to drive to Boston from Philly each month because that's where our KD was residing)...keeping fingers and toes crossed!--Dolores

party b said...

all the best! :-)

The Nanny said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Doesn't that little pink line feel SOOOO good!?

Evillage said...

Whooot Whoot!

We are totally with you!

Unknown said...

Oh how exciting!!!! I am so happy for you two! I hope to follow suit here in a few weeks :)

beans said...

WOW-I am so happy for the two of you and pray that things keep looking up!

starevelina said...

Those are two lovely lines! Congratulations! -Star-

R said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait til we can join you ladies in the pregnancy stage. Thanks for the hope!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful sight!

K J and the kids said...

Congratulations !

Dr. Grumbles said...

woo hoo!