Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guest Blogger (guess why)

   Theodore "Theo" Lee was born  this morning at 5:26 AM.  He's 8 lb, 10 oz, 20 3/4 inches long and has a beautiful pout.  S. was a total rock star.  A cervix ripener was inserted, but she didn't need to be induced after all because less than 12 hours later, it was all over.  Fast and fierce.  Everyone is happy and well, trying to rest after the surprise all-nighter.  Woo-hoo!
xox, Stacey


Pufferfish said...

Congratulations!!! So happy to hear it went smoothly and that your long awaited for baby has arrived in this world.

Crystal said...

can't wait to see pictures!!!! Congrats!

Sarah said...

Many Congrats and welcome Theo!

None said...


Anonymous said...

a million congrats for a dream come true!

Amanda Hanzlik said...

Welcome Theo! Congratulations S and C. I am so thrilled for all of you...

Alison aka Baby B said...

Congratulations on your baby boy!! Welcome to the world, Theo!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love that name and am so glad everything went well. Can't wait to hear all about it. Much love. ox

The Nanny said...

Theo is the cutest name ever--CONGRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from a lurker in Colorado!!

Jess said...

Congrats!! So glad it all went well. :)

beans said...

YEAH!!! Congrats

Unknown said...

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Welcome to the world Theo!

Anonymous said...

i just started following yor blog.. but how exciting! the other night I read it all.. begginning to end!

Lizzie said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! So excited for your family!

Lo said...

Congrats for another awesome little boy in the blogosphere a2n1d` a rock 21 star labor!!
(I'm leaving the weir2d wa EXTRA letters in my comment b/c they were typed 3by my litetl boy...e

Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!!!! Congratulations!

Laura said...

I swear I've read this post, like, 25 times, and I still cry each time. Yay!! Welcome to the world, Theo! You have two of the most awesome mommies ever!

Anonymous said...

Welcome baby Theo! Congrats Mamas!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent news. Send pictures.


Anonymous said...

WOOO! Congratulations ladies! Welcome, little Theo. So glad you avoided the induction.

AJ said...

Whooo Hooo!!! Congratulations on a new addition to the family. Can't wait to see pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thrilling news! I admire how much you both trusted S's body. Congrats on avoiding the induction. Enjoy your baby!
Blue Pearl

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet Theo. Hope you're feeling well, S.

Melody said...

Whoo-hoo! Congrats to the happy family!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, S and C!! (And Ringo and Luna, too.) I'm happy to hear it went well! Can't wait for pics, soon!


Anonymous said...

I just found out about you two yesterday through another friend - I'm going to have to spend a few days catching up but sounds like you've had a great trip!
Welcome Theo - great name!!!

evangeline said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the name Theo. Yay! Theo!

Hoping you are getting some rest...can't wait to read all about it...

Anonymous said...

Congrats and welcome to Baby Theo!!!

Can't wait for photos!

Laurie said...

WOOHOOO!!!!! Can't wait to hear the birth story and see pictures!!

Anonymous said...

we're so happy for you! just thinking of how much has changed since we saw you in alaska! congratulations, and post pictures soon!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! I have been anxiously waiting!!! Can't wait for his pictures!

Anonymous said...

Welcome little Theo!

Caroline said...

Congratulations. I am so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see the pout.

Faith said...

yeah! lots of love to the whole family and the great doula, too... but especially little theo. welcome to the world!

jessie said...

HOORAY! Congrats!!!!!

tbean said...

Congratulations! Welcome Theo! Great name!

So happy for you moms!!!!

This Mom said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your son! Enjoy every minute because he will change so fast. Take lots of pictures...and share them! Way to go moms!

Kathleen said...

Yay! Welcome to the world, little Theo!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I am so thrilled for you even though I don't know you. I found your blog about a month ago and I've been sending lots of positive vibes your way. You are so deserving of all the joy that a child brings. May your new child's life enrich yours. May Theo reflect all that is best in the both of you and in our world.

Stacey said...

how wonderful, wishing you both all the happiness in the world! congratulations mums

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures!

Carrie said...

congrats!!!!! so happy for you!!

welcome2ourworld said...

Congratulations !!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Yipeee! Just a little nudge to the cervix? Awesome. I'm so happy Trucker's due date buddy is here!

Now for my eternal and unsolicited new baby advice:

1. Poops come in twos wait for the sequal before you remove that diaper.

2. Tuck it down! By "it" I mean the family jewels. By down, I mean facing down in the diaper, not up toward his face. It is amazing what great aim those things have for shooting out of a well-intentioned diaper.

I'm so excited. Don't forget to rest! Both of you. Much love to all.

B's Knees said...

Congratulations! Job well done by all. Sending lots of love and warm wishes from Alaska!

Amy said...

I am so happy for you both. I have followed your story since we started our blog. I couldn't be happier for anyone else. I know your journey took time but wow was it worth! Congratulations!

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Congratulations! Love the name.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!! Congratulations and welcome to tiny Theo.

Jude said...

COngratulations! I can't wait to meet him. Let me know if you need anything!! xoxo

Holly said...


So happy that everything went well!

And the best of all is that he was born on MY BIRTHDAY!! tee hee