Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lesson Number One - Finding a Doctor Who's Funny

S. searched and searched for a blog on lesbians trying to get pregnant and found nothing. I (C,) looked and found about a zillion, of course, but she still insisted that we write our own. I don't know if or how our experiences trying to get pregnant will differ from the other women we've read about, but it certainly does help sort out your feelings on the whole matter, plus it's way cooler than making a lame-o scrapbook.

So, here we go--our first post on getting pregnant. Let me tell you a little anecdote and the first lesson I've learned about being gay and trying to get pregnant--find a doctor with a sense of humor and some compassion. Dr. K. is hilarious. As he says himself, "I wanted to go to comedy school, but my mother told me to be a doctor instead." As he was sticking a large, metal speculum in S. for the HSG (a procedure we fondly refer to as "power washing"), he was having trouble locating her cervix. Instead of fidgeting around and making her uncomfortable, he said, "Where's your cervix? Did you bring your cervix with you today?" Way to make an awkward situation funny (although I don't think S. really noticed the humor until after the procedure was done).

The other important thing is to make sure your doctor knows what's up between you and your partner. The radiology assistant did not want to let me in during the HSG, but Dr. K. saw me and said, "Come right in." Phew.

So lesson number one--humor and compassion. Or you'll all be crying-and not for joy.


Christy said...

hi guys perhaps I can be of help. My partner, Dawn and I, are thinking about ttc(trying to conceive), we had one m/c in 2004, but then I was trying to carry, since then I have been diagnosed with colon ca, and no we're moving on to other options, with her carrying. I was looking for other lesbians to support too, the same as you, but I also would like to refer you to, you can register for free there-I used to post all the time when we were actively ttc, but I have slacked off, and go to the circle where it says TTC with donor sperm, most of the lesbians are in there that will help you guys out too.

BTW-and good luck!

CD and SP said...

Thanks! I checked it out! Is it true you have to pay for the good stuff?

M. said...

You do have to pay now to do any serious charting and to read/post on the boards on FF.

I like your take on a funny dr. Ony question is how do we go about finding one of these funny dr's? Is there a directory somewhere?