Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Very Big Sigh

Sadly, S.'s period came on Thursday, a few days ahead of schedule. Well, okay, 9 months ahead of schedule. We took the pregnancy test anyway. I think it's negative. But we're on the clomid this month. Very unlike us. But it was actually me who sprung into action on this one. When I found out S. wasn't pregnant, I said--let's get on this thing--because honestly, I don't want every month to turn out like this. I wanted us to be as natural as humanly possible (you know, natural for when our dr. is sticking sperm up a catheter into S.'s uterus), and this is definitely not the natural way to go--but it's the least expensive and, from what I can tell, invasive fertility drug we can take. Plus, with S.'s periods being slightly off-schedule the last couple of months, we could use a little assurance that our $500 baby-daddy is going to meet our egg or eggs in happy union.


Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

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Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

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