Friday, November 10, 2006

Soup it up

We're going to the city after our dr.'s appointment tomorrow. I really don't know what to expect at the doctor's, I really don't. I don't know what it means that we'll be working with an R.E., and I don't know what else she can do for us. So, here's hoping this isn't a horrendous experience that makes me feel as if I'm in a baby factory. The only happiness I feel about it is that they probably have a great deal of experience helping lesbos get pregnant, it being in Western Mass and all--so! Here's hoping our midwestern R.E. has an open mind and is a good shot with a syringe and catheter.

And..we're eating soup dumplings this weekend. Can't get much better than that!


Anonymous said...

What are soup dumplings? They sound intriguing . . .

LD said...

Dammit! We were in Jersey last night! If you'd told me, we would have stayed overnight and come in for brunch, today!