Friday, October 19, 2007

Little growing jack-o-lanterns

I feel like those eggs are a ticking time bomb--will they fertilize? Will they keep growing? Will they have something to implant on day 3 or day 5? We did get a call today that out of the 20 eggs, 15 were mature. Out of those 15, 7 fertilized. I think it's good, S. thinks it's just "o.k." We need at least 6 eggs to make it to day 3 to be considered for a day 5 transfer, which we would really prefer. But obviously whatever they tell us to do, we will.

So I filled the valium prescription. At least we have it, and S. can make the decision to take it or not before we go in for the transfer. Thank you so much for all your input -- we felt a little clueless and lost, and now feel much more informed. S. is feeling wonky still--sore, and not up for walking too much. We head to New Hampshire tomorrow for the Keene Pumpkin Festival, which should be able to distract us with pumpkin yumminess and thousands upon thousands of illuminated jack-o-lanterns!


Faith said...

you guys are doing great and i'm jealous you're headed to keene - i've always wanted to see that.

good idea to have the valium just in case - do or don't, whatever you feel like. better to have it available and not want it than the alternative.

go eggs!

Anonymous said...

Y'know I've never been to the pumpkin festival - maybe next year.

Good luck on the cell growth!

Unknown said...

When will you get the next call on the eggies?

Congrats so far.... sounds like everything is going to turn out great!

Have fun at the festival!!! We are being lazy and watching college football today!

Jennifer said...

statistically i have heard there is no marked difference between a day 3 and a day 5 transfer. In fact some reports say that day 3 is better....get that embryo in the uterus and let it grow there. so far, everything seems like it is going just fine for you both and the eggs/embryos!!