Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First and foremost, what the heck happened to my sleeper? He's waking at night, waking at earlier times in the morning, and NO NAP today. Think it could be the teeth? What's going on in there? Growth spurt? Learning explosions? No LIKEY. Help? Experiences?

Glad to be back from my "business trip"/ teacher conference. Besides learning enough about common assessments and best practice to make my head explode, we ate great food, drank plenty of wine and enjoyed our two days away from our classrooms. I'm full of teacher jargon and feel re-energized about some First Grade things.

Mostly, I couldn't wait to get home and squeeze my little guy. I have to say though - he wasn't much fazed by the comings and goings of his mommy. He didn't plan a very exciting welcome home extravaganza. I hope it's just developmental or even personality, and not a lack of attachment. It's hard to tell if he prefers me over other people. It's kind of frustrating after you push a human out of you to wonder whether he even registers you as special! Sad, but true.

1 comment:

ohchicken said...

teeth. language explosion. we're there too. we've had to rely on the 1-2 punch of tylenol and ibuprofen 2 hours later.

teething tablets just before bed have helped too. other than that, we're just suffering through those nights when she wakes up wailing all the time. a glass of ice cold milk and a cracker to gnaw on helps in the middle of the night as well.

i hope this phase passes quickly for all of us!
