Saturday, November 28, 2009

Season of Light

The holidays are in full swing around here these days. Thanksgiving is definitely the kick-start to our festivities. We've already achieved some measure of Christmas shopping success and begun the whirlwind family visits. I am usually quite a Grinch, but am actually looking forward to this year since Theo is just so incredibly different now than last year at this time (duh!). I think he's just going to love the holidays--the food, the company, the toys, the kids---and the lights! We think Theo's first word is light ("aight!"), so the lights on all the Christmas trees and store displays are pretty much putting him over the top. Below, Theo's weekend highlights: Thanksgiving dinner, admiring the color wheel on his grandparents' awesome vintage tinsel tree (I'm pretty sure he's thinking "OMG--lights AND motion? A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!, tub time with bubbles, and being amazed at how many "AIGHTS!" are on this thing! WOW!

Yes--the holiday magic has begun.

And, umm...I tried to post pictures of all these amazing highlights of Theo's weekend, but damn slow blogger won't upload my damn pictures and there are only 5 minutes left to get my daily post in. ARRRGGG!!! I'll try again tomorrow!

Update: Pics are here!


Laurie said...

Theo has the right idea... lights ARE awesome, especially at Christmas time! I can't wait to see the pictures :)

stacey said...

are you guys coming to visit this month? we HAVE to go see the gaudiness in dyker heights...theo's head will explode